Re: Proposal: /etc /usr/etc /usr/local/etc
On Fri, 4 Jul 1997, Yann Dirson wrote:
> Vadim Vygonets writes:
> > Ya mean, kernel? Or something amd-like? It still looks to hairy for
> > our goal, but tell me more.
> I meant e2fs module; yes that's quite near to kernel :). I was
> thinking about some sort of file attribute (though it'd more that just
> a flag); I think it would quite near to ACL, implementationnally
> speaking: it's just a bunch of data that gets associated with an
> inode, and which is interpreted by the fs-driver when accessing the
> file (here, the directory)
> BTW, thinking about other FS's: there are people booting over network,
> tuhs having their root-FS a NFS one. But I do not think that is a
> problem. Any comment ?
I don't think there will be a problem.
> About ACL's: they seem to be planned since quite a long time, but
> there is still not much code supporting them in 2.1.43 kernel. I think
> I'll have to mail Remy Card to find out about that; it could help much.
I really don't know what ACL is.
> About amd: I just knows it does exist, but not much more; especially,
> why is it useful to automount ? just to save the kernel-allocated
> memory used by the mounted FS ?
One of the things we have for automount here (in Hebrew University)
is: when you access /net/host (where host is a name of any machine),
and do ls, you see all the partitions which host exports.
> > > Yes, these other unices' solution seems far less general...
> >
> > What do you mean?
> The solution of putting everything into /usr/etc is IMHO less general
> than having a search path, be it in apps or in FS-driver.
I don't hink there is a problem with it, I heard no complaints. And
about your proposal: I think that implementing this thing in kernel is
a Bad Thing. I like the solution of one function
FILE *confopen(const char *path);
distributed from Debian site, for all maintainers to put it into their
programs. The driver solution is interesting, but I think not
practical (after all, it doesn't belong to kernel).
Vadim Vygonets * * * Unix admin
The fish doesn't think, because the fish knows... everything.
-- Arizona Dream
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