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Re: The TWIN stuff from willows

On Jul 2, Christoph Lameter wrote
> In article <[🔎] m0wjac1-00JapqC@golem.pixar.com> you wrote:
> : Holy heck, it doesn't look as if there _is_ a catch!
> There is one: Support for 32bit binaries is very much not working!


the people in the Wine newsgroup weren't too impressed. It seems that
some 16bit applications work better than with Wine but on the other
hand there seems to be a lot of stubs where Wine has got some code. If
some people of the Debian community are interested in windows
emulation they would be welcomed to provide debugging information in
the Wine newsgroup. The impression I have from the newsgroup is that
the Wine development is still active (but admittedly slow) and there
are people already using Wine for small restricted applications
(bigger than solitaire ;-)

But you still have to fiddle around and expect crashes :-/

Shortly summarized: Give it a try



Christian Meder, email: christian.meder@utoronto.ca

What's the railroad to me ?
I never go to see
Where it ends.
It fills a few hollows,
And makes banks for the swallows, 
It sets the sand a-blowing,
And the blackberries a-growing.
                      (Henry David Thoreau)

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