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Lars leaving again

: Christoph Lameter:
: > There are just the elect few who can handle X.

: This comes from the man that says it's OK to require people
: to have Pentium 200's... I'm sorry, but I can't really stand
: idiots, especially ones who grasp any straw they can in order
: to win a debate and have absolutely no idea of what they're
: talking about, even if they do claim to make their living
: with it.

1. You did not understand the implications of your position at the beginning.

2. Now you are using a distortion of what I said to ridicule me.

3. You have "left" before. Maybe you should ask yourself why you cannopt
tolerate someone else showing you wrong? You have been a valuable contributor
here but noone is perfect and I have put my foot in the mouth here lots of
times, too.

Take it and move on. Next time you might be right.

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