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Re: MD5, SHA-1, RIPEMD, etc.

Thomas Koenig wrote:
> Using the reference you provided, I got around three Megabytes/ CPU
> second on a P133 with RIPEMD-160 (using pgcc -O6, I confess :-)  How
> fast is SHA-1 in comprarison?

The RIPEMD folks have been carefully tweaking Pentium hashing times.
A speed chart is available at http://www.esat.kuleuven.ac.be/~bosselae/
Here are their results on a P90:

       Hash functions Size (bytes)    Cycles     Mbit/sec     Mbyte/sec
       MD4               1186           241       191.2        23.90
       MD5               1719           345       133.6        16.70
       RIPEMD            2291           485        95.0        11.88
       RIPEMD-128        2941           597        77.2         9.65
       SHA-1             4079           837        55.1         6.88
       RIPEMD-160        4801          1016        45.4         5.67

       Block ciphers  Cycles  Mbit/sec  Mbyte/sec
       DES              351     16.4       2.05
       DES key setup    686      7.3       0.91
       IDEA             590      9.76      1.22
       Square           324     35.56      4.45

    Table 1: Performance of my assembly language implementations of some
    cryptographic algorithms on a 90 MHz Pentium using a 32-bit flat memory

Due to the register limitations of the x86 architecture (you only have
7 registers), 160-bit hashes (with 5 active variables) suffer some
extreme regsiter pressure, making it hard to schedule the code optimally.

There are two ways to do SHA-1: with the "key scheduling" in a separate
pre-pass, and integrated with the rounds.  Which is better depends on
a lot of things, including how many registers you have.  (With enough,
you can just load the entire input block into 16 registers and not
worry about anything else.)  I don't know which is used above.

If you want bigger hashes, you can always look at HAVAL (256 bits)...

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