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Re^2: Debian's mail daemons

Am 20.06.97 schrieb kai # khms.westfalen.de ...

Moin Kai!

KH> I completely fail to understand why a professional system administrator
KH> would _want_ to use a MTA that's _that_ notorious for security holes. My
KH> idea of professionalism seriously clashes with this.

Who tells you that the other MTAs don't have such holes? Because the
other MTAs are not often used such holes are not discovered.

KH> > And you should remember that the most Linux distributions use sendmail
KH> > as MTA. In my opinion Debian should use sendmail as standard MTA.
KH> People, eat shit. Millions of flies can't be wrong.

sendmail != MS ;-).

KH> Sendmail: Just say NO.

I say yes.

cu, Marco

Uni: Budde@tu-harburg.d400.de      Fido: 2:240/5202.15
Mailbox: mbudde@hqsys.antar.com    http://www.tu-harburg.de/~semb2204/

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