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PING of Maintainer Address <richard@elmail.co.uk>

I've had these messages before, and followed the instructions for
stating that I no longer maintain the packages in question.  But they
still keep appearing.

Can somebody *please* sort this out, and tell me that they have done

(Both packages are, AFAIK, utterly obsolete and should not exist at
all any more.)


Brian C. White writes:
>PING <richard@elmail.co.uk>
>This address is listed as a contact for one or more Debian packages.  I am
>just verifying that this address is functional.  If you have no idea what I
>am talking about, please let me know as the address is obviously incorrect.
>Otherwise, please just delete this mail.
>According to the ftp://ftp.debian.org/debian/indices/Maintainers.gz file,
>you maintain the following packages:
>    itimer
>    repair
>If you no longer maintain one or more of these packages, please send email
>to Philippe Troin <phil@fifi.org>.  He keeps track of all orphaned packages.
>                                          Brian
>                                 ( bcwhite@verisim.com )

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