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savelog and restarting daemons


can someone explain to me the background, why daemons (some, not all)
are SIGHUP'ed or restarted, after their log files are rotated and what
happends in the daemons code (what has to happen). and what would
happen, if the logfile is moved and no SIGHUP is done.

i could figure out, that syslog is killed with SIGHUP after its logfile
is rotated, and that syslog does only a close() and open() on it's log
file. it would help me a lot if i could understand, what's going on
(and what would happen, if the logfile was only moved, or copied an
truncated to zero). one program i maintain has a log file, and i think
it should have some mechanism, but i can't explain it to the author,
since i do know nothing, and do not understand what has to be done.

and help would be great. thanks in advance.

regards, andreas

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