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Re: Conflict between Packages file and actual files

maor@ece.utexas.edu (Guy Maor)  wrote on 29.05.97 in <[🔎] 873er6i9vc.fsf@slip-73-7.ots.utexas.edu>:

> kai@khms.westfalen.de (Kai Henningsen) writes:
> > I've since seen that ftp.debian.org obviously mirrors somewhere around
> > 19:40-20:50, local time for master, while the maintenance scripts run
> > somewhere in the 11:50-13:40 range, again local time for master.
> ftp mirrors twice a day at 9 and 21 master time (according to
> http://www.cc.gatech.edu/linux/ ), and master runs its scripts at
> 11:52 and finishes around 13 or 13:15.

That's consistent with what I've seen, yes.

So the interesting time to test is something like 10 and 22 master time.  
Well, maybe 11 and 23 for longer mirror sessions.

MfG Kai

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