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Re: glibc2/libc6 infortmation

On May 11, Galen Hazelwood wrote
> I haven't a clue why this would happen.  You _do_ have libc5-altdev and
> altgcc installed, right?  Try using i486-linuxlibc1-gcc instead of -b
> i486-linuxlibc1.  If that still dosen't work, mail me with the details
> of what you're doing and I'll see what I can do.

ok, i think i found the bug. it was my fault...
if you want to create a page with some informations and some hints :
1.) i had to override configure (it was searching for include files,
	found them in /usr/include, and compiled some files with
2.) i had to patch the configure script : --includedir did not override
	the default value, it was only adding a different directory to a
	search list, and the result was still "/usr/include"
3.) and i had to patch configure again (maybe my first patch wasn't good
	enough) : new glibc2/libc6 has no sys/select.h ... (that was the
	point where i could not figure out howw configure was working -
	my only solution was to remove sys/select.h from the list of
	files to test... (and i found more file like that. i will check
	the rest later...)
4.) all makefiles were using CC and GCC, so it was possible to override
	them, but they had also a MK_SHARED_LIB command using "gcc" and
	not "$(CC)" :-( (that line also neither used LDFLAGS nor CFLAGS)

i'm using now :

        ./configure --prefix=/usr/i486-linuxlibc1 \
                --with-install-prefix=`pwd`/debian/alt-tmp \
                --with-shared --with-normal --with-debug --with-profile \
                --datadir=/usr/lib \
                --oldincludedir=/usr/i486-linuxlibc1/include \

        $(MAKE) CC="i486-linuxlibc1-gcc" CPP="i486-linuxlibc1-g++" \
                CFLAGS="-O2 -Wall "

hope that fixes everything. i will have to read the whole logfile of my
dpkg-buildpackage, to be sure, that there is no other direct gcc call,
or a lone not using LDFLAGS or CFLAGS (ok, now this is not important,
but it would be, if i were using "-b i486-linuxlibc1").

btw: is there a good way to implement alt* programms in the debian/rules ?
now im using
	configure (alt)
	make (alt)
	make install (alt)
	make distclean 
in build: but this way it requires root (to set the right permissions in 
debian/alt (im using this directory for installation). 

and on other architectures already using glibc, there is no need for an
alt package. implementing alt packages should not create them on other 

maybe moving everything to adding "binary-altarch" will help, but in any
case you cannot divide building binaries and installing/packaging the
packages (or you have to change a _lot_).

regards, andreas

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