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Re: Remaining critical bugs (IMHO)

bruce@pixar.com (Bruce Perens) writes:

> Note that Debian currently tells the _correct_ time. The bug is that
> POSIX specifies that systems should tell the _wrong_ time, by ignoring
> leap-seconds. I think we have to fix it, by copying in the "posix" zone
> information rather than the "right" zone information, so that Debian systems
> work correctly in networks of Unix workstations, but it is really annoying
> that we have to break the system for POSIX.

Could you clarify this a little (I know you tried, but...)

If we define "POSIX time" to be without leap seconds and "true time"
to be with leap seconds, what does Debian currently display?

If it is "true time" (with leap seconds) as you seem to say, then why
is it 20 seconds _behind_ my Slowaris based xntp server?



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