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Re: Comments on copyright !

Scott Ellis said:
> In any event, if we choose the second option, I hereby volunteer to
> generate and maintain that list, as I have a T3 at work to download and
> look through and screen the copyrights.

Instead of, or in addtion to, our maintaining a list of interpretations
of other people's copyright statements, what about taking Nicholas 
Lichtmaier's work on the descriptions a step further?

For example, the WWW pages starting at:
allow one to select a package section, then select a package.
Then the description file is displayed.

What about a script that displays instead (or in addition) the
copyright file?  The copyright file itself can be extracted on the fly
(best) or extracted earlier and stored in some collection, with the
collection being rebuild every time the archive is updated.

One might even go further and extend the tool so that a user could
build a checklist (of packages he wants to put on his CD) based on 
the results of this review.

Susan Kleinmann

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