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Re: Bug#9037: Kernel-source has Recommends and Suggests that don't exist

>>"Raul" == Raul Miller <rdm@test.legislate.com> writes:

Raul> Remember that, at least for now, each major version of TK is
Raul> incompatable with other major versions (except for trivial
Raul> cases).

	Precisely. In most cases one would explicitly specify which
 version of tk one needs; which is why it makes perfect sense in this
 case to use just tk-dev: the make xconfig command of the kernel is
 one of the few applications that I've seen which is independent of
 the version of tk (have you ever had a make xconfig not work out of
 the box?)


 "We must all hang together, or we will surely all hang separately"
 Benjamin Franklin
Manoj Srivastava               <url:mailto:srivasta@acm.org>
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