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Re: bootable CDs

At 10:59 AM 23/04/97 PDT, Bruce Perens wrote:
>Helmut Geyer patched debian-cd to produce El Torito format directly-bootable
>CDs. debian-cd_0.1.2 is in Incoming.
>I'd be interested in hearing what settings you have to give popular SCSI
>controllers to make them boot directly from a CD. Also, is there any IDE
>CD that boots?

I set up new PC's with IDE cdrom's everyday, and of late there's been a
newer feature that I stumbled accross in the BIOS - instead of the boot
sequence being A or C or SCSI, there's often "CDROM" in there as well -
does anyone know how this works?  It would be really handy for Debian (and
my own interests:) to do this.

Karl Ferguson
Tower Networking Pty Ltd   Tel: +61-8-9456-0000     karl@tower.net.au
t/a STAR Online Services   Fax: +61-8-9455-2776     karl@debian.org

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