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Some packages to adopt.

	As I spend more time fixing other packages, I don't have much time 
to take care of some of mine, so here's a list of packages I'd like 
someone else to maintain. I don't orphan them and will continue to update 
them if nobody volunteers, but if you feel like taking over some of the 
packages listed bellow, please go ahead.

NB1: Only offix-files have 1 outstanding bug report, all the others are 
bug free.
NB2: xabacus, xvier, xodo, lde, xfishtank, xmcpustate are 'trivial' 
packages that a new debian maintainer can package with no problem.

ftplib               Vincent Renardias <vincent@waw.com>
lde                  Vincent Renardias <vincent@waw.com>
libdnd1              Vincent Renardias <vincent@waw.com>
libdnd1-dev          Vincent Renardias <vincent@waw.com>
macutils             Vincent Renardias <vincent@waw.com>
mcvert               Vincent Renardias <vincent@waw.com>
offix-clipboard      Vincent Renardias <vincent@waw.com>
offix-editor         Vincent Renardias <vincent@waw.com>
offix-execute        Vincent Renardias <vincent@waw.com>
offix-files          Vincent Renardias <vincent@waw.com>
offix-trash          Vincent Renardias <vincent@waw.com>
xabacus              Vincent Renardias <vincent@waw.com>
xfishtank            Vincent Renardias <vincent@waw.com>
xgalaga              Vincent Renardias <vincent@waw.com>
xmcpustate           Vincent Renardias <vincent@waw.com>
xodo                 Vincent Renardias <vincent@waw.com>
xvier                Vincent Renardias <vincent@waw.com>


-     ** Linux **         +-------------------+             ** WAW **     -
-  vincent@debian.org     | RENARDIAS Vincent |          vincent@waw.com  -
-  Debian/GNU Linux       +-------------------+      http://www.waw.com/  -
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