Re: Possible framework for `debmake replacement'
On Thu, 27 Feb 1997, Bruce Perens wrote:
> I too am dubious about the "compiler" form of deb-make replacement.
> The problem is that it does not catch up as policy changes. It would
> be very difficult to make a "compiler" form of rules builder that would
> automaticaly incorporate policy changes into existing packages as
> deb-make often does. Once you edit the generated script, you don't want
> to send it back through the tool again and lose your changes.
> I would prefer to see a run-time hueristic something like debstd with
> much more fine control over overrides.
> Thanks
> Bruce
I don't think is a good think that a package will differ when build wait
a new version of a tool (I know, if I change the version of gcc, the
program could be change but not that's much!) Elsewhere, exception case
handled by the maintainer could be broke by a change in the tool use. In
place I suggest to use a debstd-compiler only in Template file or in
get-orig-source (depending how it will works...).
just my 2 pennies.
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