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Re: Simple solution to pre-installation configuration

On Thu, 30 Jan 1997, Vociferous Mole wrote:

stevegr >Actually, while it may be more comprehensible at this point (because
stevegr >Christophe is a better writer than I am), it's not easier. Here's why
stevegr >(in terms of maintainer effort):
stevegr >
stevegr >Christophe's method:
stevegr >
stevegr >Maintainer writes a script to prompt for values, and then
stevegr >writes/enhances the postinst script to generate/edit the configuration
stevegr >file(s) that the package actually uses. If you're going to edit a file
stevegr >(like a shell script), then you have to distribute a version or template
stevegr >that has markers for each use of a configuration variable so that sed
stevegr >(or whatever) can find them.

My "Method" is the base for how things are done. Tools can be created
to use that scheme to make things simpler for users. Could you perhaps
integrate your features into the simple scheme I have proposed?

I really would like to have the flexibility of that simple scheme.

Could your configuration manager not simply create a "configure" script
and have some way of hooking into postinst?

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