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Re: Simple solution to pre-installation configuration

On Mon, 27 Jan 1997, Dale Scheetz wrote:

dwarf >I like this a lot. This design leaves room for the minor tweaks and
dwarf >modifications that will be necessary to impliment it successfully.

Here some wishes I have for dpkg to do:

- Allow package deconfiguration. I cannot find any way right now to
  reconfigure a package. I suppose that means finding some way to
  deconfigure the package first. Or do I simply rerun the postinst? I
  would rather have dpkg keep doing it. 
  Right now adpkg recommends reinstalling a package to reconfigure it :-(.

Some features of adpkg that I would like to see incorporated into dpkg
(remember adpkg is a crude shell script wrapper around dpkg!)

- Some option to switch off the delayed running of the postinst scripts.
  adpkg does it by doing dpkg -i for each package but that is
  not optimal. adpkg can also not be called from and interact with

- Missing dependencies cause the execution of a shell script (if
  existing) with a parameter indicating what package is missing. That
  shell script can then eventually locate the package and install it.

Both of these features together can lead us on a path to gradually
introduce the adpkg improvements into our packaging scheme.

The configure script is compatible with the way dpkg works right now. Just
install such a script in debian/tmp/DEBIAN and adpkg will be able to
process it.  Debmake (since version 2.77) already detects a
configure script in debian and will install it properly.

Do a dpkg -I package.deb with such a script and see.

Execution of the configure script from dselect or so can be done using the
following commands (If it gets more complicated then we will need a small
configuration program):

ar x package.deb control.tar.gz
tar zxf control.tar.gz configure

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