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Re: Should wg15 be splitted?

Enrique Zanardi wrote:
> On Sun, 26 Jan 1997, Fabrizio Polacco wrote:
> > We need also a mailing list through which one debian maintainer can
> > reach all of these translation maintainers.
> We have debian-i18n@lists.debian.org.
> Looks like a perfect place. :-)

Good. I'll subscribe when I'll be back on-line.
We could also move there this thread.

But I have seen other lists go silent after the first fire. And then
those threads gone back to debian-devel :-(

What I would like to see, when these lists spring out from debian-devel,
is the automatic subscription of all the subscribers to debian-devel,
made by a simple copy of the dist file.
Because such a list treats matters that belongs to debian-devel, and the
spilt is done only to lower the traffic on debian-devel.
If we do the split in this way, those who doesn't want to receive it can
simply unsubscribe and the "noise" will disappear.

I know there are a lot of DD that let procmail collect the lists and
then they read them once a week or when they have a moment.
In this way they can read and then decide if they are interested to the
list. In the other way they will surely lose part of the thread, and
probably they will even lose the announce of the creation of the list.

Reading debian-devel should be a "duty" for a DD so is not too much
aggressive to automatically subscribe all the DD to a new list that
springs out from debian-devel. 
The possibility to unsubscribe selectively by thread should be see as a
"feature" in debian-devel, being the opposite that all receive all the

To achieve this the name of the list should start with debian-devel-
(like debian-devel-i18n) so procmail can collect them toghether with
debian-devel without further tuning, untill you unsubscribe.

IMHO, of course.

| fpolacco@icenet.fi  fpolacco@debian.org  fpolacco@megabaud.fi |
| fingerprint  70 1A 72 2D 2B C8 A5 63  7A C2 CC E0 2A 54 AE DA |
| finger for PGP key: fpolacco@master.debian.org                |
> non scampa, tra chi veste da parata, chi veste una risata.[fg]|

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