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Re: Possible solution to Local dependency satisfaction

On Fri, 24 Jan 1997, Dale Scheetz wrote:

> One of the biggest problems with the current packaging system (ignoring
> issues of dselect interfaces) is that there is no mechanism for satisfying
> dependencies with programs that are located in /usr/local.
> If the sys admin builds a sendmail package of their own and installs it in
> /usr/local, dpkg and dselect have no current mechanism for recognizing
> that fact and trys to force the installation of sendmail anyway.
> If dpkg/dselect were able to check a file in /usr/local and obtain
> dependency information from that file then the sys admin could declare
> dependencies there for packages existing in /usr/local.
> If dpkg looks for a file called .depends in /usr/local and considers all
> dependencies listed there as fulfilled, this would greatly aid the local
> sys admin in maintaining the system as desired.
> The file need only contain lines like:
> sendmail	8.8.4
> to give dpkg the necessary information to decide about dependency
> satisfaction.

Why is this a problem?  Isn't the correct approach to build
a local version of the debian package that installs into
/usr/local? The version number who have to indicate that its
ahead of the standard debian package.  I've been doing this
for a while now but installing into /opt. 

What I do find problematic is the inability of keeping
several versions of a package.  This is necessary for us
since we need to evaluate our products against all the
possible versions of a product our customer base may have.
The current approach seems to be to rename the package and
all the files within the package.

--- Jean Pierre

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