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Re: More support for European users in Debian

>Yes, and this was the reason why I suggested to leave root set to "C",
>not the interactive user root, but the user that executes boot pgrogs,
>cron and daemons.
>This can't be easely done if we set LANG in the rc stage.

 Wether the machine is left in "C" locale at bootup, is at this time
perfectly ok.  It will _ensure_ that system programs will run in
their "C" locale.  So, they won't break...

 I'm going into one of my brutally honest phases... that is paranoid
crap :-) phase over ;-)  Where do you think, the space shuttle program
would be (for instance) if everybody would say: "We Can't build a
space shuttle, one of those things is BOUND to blow up!!! its
dangerous".  Why don't we just all strip naked, and go back to the
woods like our cousins.... its much safer.
NO? it isn't??? I wonder why :-)

 I'll tell you what, why don't we produce an all french machine... that
speaks french and works in french... and then export it to the states.
And then tell the Americans, "Hey, you all learn french in school", and
then "Sorry, you'll just have to become a _computer_expert_ to understand
the system messages"? Does it sound rediculous? why? because the majority
of computer users are american? english speaking? or that its just *fan*
thing, that being a computer expert includes "speaking english man" :-)

 Either we're making a system, as a service, or to be able to brag about
ourselves... which is it? If it doesn't support the users environment, it
can't be called a good service, can it? Do we go to a store, where there
is a sign "To buy here, you must be from beverly hills".  Or go to a toilet,
where "Sorry, asians only" ?  You don't think its analogous? Yes, it is,
we are intentionally restricting the environment, where a user can actually
become a computer user... he has to fit into *our* criteria.  And from
there, we can "graciously" see between our fingers about _letting_ him
type "hello" in spanish... that is precisely the way it is... and from a
commercial point of view, we're only hurting ourselves... as we are limiting
our _own_ market.  And at a time, where a _full_featured_ system will be
available we'll lose *big* even on the market share we have (Give an
American a french machine, and he'll tell you why :-)

Finally, MY environment here is set with LANG=is_IS at BOOTUP and to this
date, I haven't seen one Daemon getting a nervous breakdown :-)

>IMHO this is what will solve this (and also others) problems.
>Consider also that always more packages carry docs in several languages.
>Another solution would be to break wg15 into several packages, one for
>each language plus a base package for the common staff.

That's a good idea...

Ørn Einar Hansen                         oe.hansen@halmstad.mail.telia.com
                                    fax; +46 035 217194

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