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Official Debian CD decision

After some discussion on our developer-private channel, it became clear
that only the developers who disagreed with my proposal felt a need to
post. I chided them on that a bit as it's necessary for people to show
support for me to feel I have a mandate.

Thus, I am re-structuring my previous proposal slightly. You can expect
us to implement this for Debian 1.3 .

1. Debian will produce an ISO image of the "stable" distribution with
   each major release. This image will be available for anyone to use
   on at least two FTP sites. It will not be on all mirrors because it's
   at least 600MB in size and duplicates other data in the FTP archive. 

2. Debian will beta-test that ISO image with users before it is released.

3. The ISO image be made available to all parties without charge.

4. Scripts used to create the ISO image will be made available without charge.

5. Any party may sell the ISO image or a copy of our FTP archive as
   "Debian <version-number>" without an agreement with, or fee from,
   the Debian Project.

6. Parties that execute a contract with the Debian distribution may
   sell a copy of the ISO image as "Debian <version-number>, Official
   Release", and may use special artwork provided by the Debian project
   and a legend that states that a part of the proceeds from the CD are
   paid to the Debian project. For the privilege of selling the
   official release, Debian will charge US$2 per unit, billable 180
   days after shipment. This should allow manufacturers enough time to
   accumulate returned units, which may be subtracted from the fee due.
   Returns after to that time can be subtracted from the fee due for
   later shipments.

7. In addition to the fine free help you can find on debian-user, we will
   establish a help-desk payable via 900 number or credit card. This
   help desk will correspond with users via e-mail or telephone. Support
   rates will be similar to those of other Linux distributions. The help
   desk will be operated by a contractor, and will be self-supporting but
   not intended to make money for the project. We will not prevent any other
   organization from selling help and other services for Debian systems.

8. Debian will remain a non-profit organization. However, we will not pursue
   IRS 501(c)3 status at this time. The reason for this is that it is difficult
   for a 501(c)3 organization to produce a product and collect donations from
   people who sell that product without losing its tax status. At some future
   date we may establish a 501(c)3 foundation to make grants to individual
   developers for developing free software.


	Bruce Perens
	Debian Project Leader
Bruce Perens K6BP   Bruce@Pixar.com   510-215-3502
Finger bruce@master.Debian.org for PGP public key.
PGP fingerprint = 88 6A 15 D0 65 D4 A3 A6  1F 89 6A 76 95 24 87 B3 

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