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Re: superceeded packages

rdm@tad.micro.umn.edu  wrote on 16.01.97 in <[🔎] 19970116155934.11040.qmail@test.legislate.com>:

> Here's a possible workaround:  in the first release where a package
> does not appear, because it's been superceeded, put in a "terminating
> package" with some rather large version (and no minor revision) that
> (a) has an error, so it can't be installed, and (b) delivers a message
> about what it's been superceeded with, and ideally (c) a description
> of the reasons for the change [since this will often be important for
> systems administration].

How about something like this?

Depends: ThisPackageIsObsolete
Description: Use some-other-package instead
  The obsolete-package has been replaced by the some-other-package.
  That package does everything this did, and can also brew coffee;
  except that it will no longer quinglebruzz; however, this is no problem,
  as quinglebruzzing is not something you would want to do anyway.

The Depends: should keep this from being installed.

MfG Kai

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