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virtual maintainers, old source format, and a suggestion

OK, I've got a question here...

Do we have any idea how many packages are currently assigned to
"virtual maintainers"?  Is it reasonable to guess that this list and
the list of packages in the old source format are somewhat similar? My
guess would be yes.

Someone mentioned the possibility of a developer ping. I think that
this might be a good idea.  Send out 1 mail message per package to the
maintainer of the package, or maybe just restrict it to packages that
haven't had a new version uploaded in in the past X months. The
packages which 'fail' this ping, either through bad addresses or no
response, then can get posted to the list for reassignment.  Any
packages which no one volunteers for should then be moved into
contrib, since they would not be considered maintained/supported at
that point.

Anyone else think this would be a good idea?  What would be a
reasonable time frame for "No upload since", if it goes that route?
And what would be a reasonable response time?

Any opinions?

  Larry Daffner        |  Linux: Unleash the workstation in your PC!
  vizzie@airmail.net / http://web2.airmail.net/vizzie/
	Brook's Law:
		Adding manpower to a late software project makes it later.

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