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Re: CD issues

On Mon, 13 Jan 1997, John Goerzen wrote:

> Hmm, I highly doubt that only 1% of CD-ROMs are the so-called "proprietary" 
> kind.  A lot of CD-ROMs using proprietary models are out there.

They are cheap, and still readily available.  Plus, lots of people
converting from a sinful life of Microsoft have them, because they are
completely compatible with it.  My only CD-ROM is a Sound Blaster Pro CD.
I've never had an IDE CD-ROM, because I don't use it very often, and this
works fine for me.  To neglect people without newer more expensive drives
isn't right.  If that happens, you will start to see "Microsoft Syndrome"
where everyone has to upgrade there computer before they can install the
new version!

(And not to mention the people who don't have CD-ROM's at all.  MY server
doesn't have a CD-ROM.  And I know alot of people who don't have one at

                              Daniel Stringfield  
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