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Bug#6495: Bug with Sendmail 8.8.4

John Goerzen kirjoittaa:
> [ I am submitting this extended bug report to the Sendmail and the Debian 
> people.  Also an e-mail to Gregory Shapiro, who has given me some helpful 
> pointers. When replying, please trim unnecessary mail lists.]
> > >> Create a file called /etc/service.switch with:
> > >> 
> > >> hosts files
> > >> 
> > >> Which tells sendmail to use files (/etc/hosts) for resolving hosts.
> > 
> > jgoerzen> Hmm, I tried that, and it hasn't helped.  I did even try explicitly
> > jgoerzen> defining the name of the service.switch file in my .mc file, but
> > jgoerzen> that didn't help either.
> > Sorry my suggestion didn't help.  Unfortunately (fortunately), I've never been
> > in an environment where DNS wasn't required at all times.  If you never want
> > sendmail to use DNS, you can try compiling it with -DNAMED_BIND=0:
> I have tried that, and it too failed.  I think that we are either looking at a 
> bug in sendmail here or something is weird.

You gethostbyname and so on uses DNS. 


Content-Description: /etc/host.conf

> order hosts,bind
> multi on

That very clearly says that you are using DNS!
I think that your resolver library uses that.

Content-Description: resolv.conf

> nameserver
> nameserver
> nameserver

This filr very clearry says that you have using DNS also :-)

In some resolver libraruer you can say that don't use DNS, with

hostresorder local

in resolv.cond

Content-Description: /etc/mail/service.switch.nodns

> hosts	files

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