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Re: "New maintainer" address dead? & misc. questions

>As you may be aware, I have recently created some packages for Debian as I 
>felt it was something I could do to contribute.  As documented in the policy 
>manual, I sent an e-mail to the new-maintainer@debian.org address.  I did this 
>some time back already (indicating that I would be having packages to upload 
>soon), and about a week ago, sent another message indicating that I had 
>packages ready to upload.
>I haven't received any response back at all.  Is the new-maintainer address 
>dead, and if so, who should I contact to ask for appropriate permissions on 
>master, etc.?

I believe that new-maintainer@debian.org is an alias for Bruce, who is
currently recovering from a flooded house and thus is not responding.

Beyond this, mike@i-connect.net and shimon@i-connect.net manage access
to the ftp server, I think.  They're off for the holidays.  (My
request for an account has been up in the air since late December,
don't feel like you're the only one.)

Ben Pfaff <pfaffben@pilot.msu.edu> 12167 Airport Rd, DeWitt MI 48820, USA
PGP public key and home page at http://www.msu.edu/user/pfaffben

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