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Re: Kernel dependencies

osd1000@tacitus.greenend.org.uk (Owen S. Dunn)  wrote on 20.12.96 in <[🔎] m0vbDhG-000LG8C@tacitus.greenend.org.uk>:

> In article <[🔎] Pine.LNX.3.95.961220083855.7066A-100000@waterf.org> you write:
> >It would be nice to be able to do the followig dependency
> >
> >Depends: kernel (>=2.1.16)
> Indeed it would, especially in the case of people who don't use Dabian
> packaged kernels, where a dependency on kernel-image (or whatever)
> would be useless.

Dpkg dependencies are simply the wrong way for this.

The problem here is that on Linux, some people (make that a lot of people)  
like to change their kernel fairly often. These same people often have  
kernels of several different versions around, and actually use them.

Now, if we want to support these people (which I take as a given), then we  
can't use kernel version dependencies. They don't do what we need.

Oh, we can have a module ninary depend on a specific kernel version,  
though even that is of limited usefulness. But for stuff like bridging  
utilities, this simply doesn't work. What is someone supposed to do who  
uses both an 2.1.x experimental kernel (to experiment) and an 2.0.x stable  
kernel (for when he isn't experimenting)?

I just had this idea - it probably needs work before it can become  

Have some sort of database which tells about kernel dependencies of stuff,  
and make sure the several incompatible versions of this stuff can actually  
coexist. Then on boot, have some program generate version-dependant  
symlinks from this database.

This is similar to the module stuff, but is more aimed at dependencies  
like "this works for kernel versions 1.3.67 - 2.0.15 and 2.1.0 - 2.1.7".


MfG Kai

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