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I'm packaging the dotfile program

I have been fooling around with packaging the dotfile program (recently 
announced on c.o.l.a)  It seems pretty nice, however I have a few 
questions about what I have seen when packaging it.

1.  It is basically a tcl/tk program, so I would think it could go in 
all the binary formats, except for the fact that it bytecompiles the tcl 
scripts.  Can I modify the Makefile so it won't do this or does this mean 
nothing and can still be put in 'all' or is this neccessary.

2.  While it was byte compiling, it gave the following error message a 
few time.

application-specific initialization failed: no display name and no 
$DISPLAY environment variable

This is b/c I was packaging it from the console, will this cause a 
problem for people trying to run it.  I am currently not running X, so I 
am not going to be able to test the package, so once it is complete I am 
going to put it in experimental until I hear that it works ok.

Shaya Potter

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