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Using 2.1 kernels.

Now that I got my question answered that I won't kill my debian system by 
running 2.1, Is there any advantage to running 2.1 over 2.0 in the real 
world.  I looked through a "make menu-config", and didn't see anything 
new that I could use, except maybe ipv6 (but only for sentimental 
reasons), is 2.1 improved in some profound way over 2.1.  I don't mind 
using a kernel that can be "unstable" I lived with the 1.3 series, 
because I needed appletalk support.  

As an addition to my previous post, maybe we can make an unstable-2.1 
which is the same as unstable, i.e. their are links in to unstable for 
all "normal" programs, but programs that require kernerl 2.1 can go in 
unstable-2.1, this solves the problem of package naming b/c they can have 
the same version numbers but they won't be in the same part of the 
archive, so they won't clobber each other.

Shaya Potter

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