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WWW locations

Do all webservers want to munge everything into a nice homogeneous
tree ?

We have several different kinds of file here, even without virtual

1. Ordinary HTML documents in the main document tree.  Since these are
user-edited rather than program-maintained they don't belong in /var.
/home somewhere - /home/www-data or something - would be best.

2. CGI programs maintained by users.  See above.

3. CGI programs installed as standard into an active location.  These
are supplied by us and so should go somewhere in /usr.  If the user
wants to disable them they can change the CGI directory location in
the config (can't they?) or use dpkg-divert to remove individual

4. CGI programs made available but not installed actively.  These want
to go in /usr/lib perhaps, in such a way that sysadmins can symlink to

5. Example documents and stuff, which should not be used as is: put
it in /usr/doc/examples.

6. Cached data: /var/cache.

There are probably more.

Do webservers generally support this kind of thing, or are we going to
have to make a horrible linktree or something ?

Also, if we want the user to be able to move these directories they
should be able to configure it in /etc, either by changing a config
file there or by repointing symlinks there.


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