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Re: Is there a method of changing the name of a conffile?

On 28 Dec 1996, Kevin Dalley wrote:

kevin >I think that it is more complicated than that.
kevin >
kevin >Suppose the oldfile is the old name of the conffile and newfile is the
kevin >new name for the conffile.  Since oldfile is no longer a conffile in
kevin >the new release, then it will not automatically be compared with the
kevin >version of oldfile which was shipped in the last release.  If the
kevin >versions are identical, then I want to automatically update to
kevin >newfile.  However, if the user has modified oldfile, then I just want
kevin >to oldfile to newfile.  This is all automatically handled by the
kevin >conffile strategy if the file names are unchanged.
kevin >
kevin >The only method which I can determine which comes close to file name
kevin >changing is to keep both oldfile and newfile around indefinitely, and
kevin >perform the copy as you suggested.  The only way I could get rid of
kevin >oldfile is if everyone has already updated to newfile.  Really, this
kevin >method is unacceptable as well.  The user would find 2 identical files
kevin >confusing.

I think you are complicating the issue. Move the file in the postinst and
do all modifications that you need to on it. There is really no easier way
that comes to my mind. You need to get rid of the old file otherwise the
next package upgrade will again try to copy the old file to the new

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