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Re: Who maintains the goals list? [was Re: Goals for 1.3?]

winni@xpilot.org (Winfried Truemper)  wrote on 24.12.96 in <[🔎] Pine.LNX.3.95.961224151947.22478F-100000@www.shop.de>:

> I think this step is important regardless of the "admintool" (whatever it
> will be) because those shell-scripts become truely upgradeable then (they
> are not yet!). To give a quote from /etc/init.d/boot:

Well, mostly. There are still problems, but a lot fewer.

For example, I'm currently starting _two_ dialds (and no, it's definitely  
not good enough as an example setup!). The diald configs only expect one  
diald. Stuff like that will still need script modifications.

The main difference is that we'll get rid of all the _simple_ cases, which  
probably are more than 90%. And the others probably aren't worth the  
effort to do more than making the stuff into config files (as they already  
are). Whoever does something like the above, will know how to handle it.  
It's a lot better than comparing dozens of files and trying to remember  
which changes were by me and which are the difference between package  
versions (and did I perhaps miss the last version changes) ...

MfG Kai

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