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Resqdisk: CD-ROM drivers


why does the current (for 1.2) Boot/Resq-disk contain all kind of
theoretically usable non-ide-atapi cdroms? Every boot costs a lot of
time. Nearly no new Debian Linux user will have a Goldstar CDrom or
Mitsumi SingleSpeed CD installed.

Freaks like us are able to modprob the correct module by our own.

I really would appreciate to create a new boot/resq-disk that doesn't
probe all of these cdroms everytime.

(I do have two of this exotic cd-roms but normally I have to install
Debian for friends with brandnew hardware)



  / Martin Schulze  *  joey@infodrom.north.de  *  26129 Oldenburg /
 /                            Erfahrung ist eine nützliche Sache /
/ Leider macht man sie immer erst kurz nachdem man sie brauchte /

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