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Re: Goals for 1.3?

According to Peter Tobias:
> and ...
> - For serial communication use ttyS* devices instead of cua* devices

I agree.

We could start a seperate thread on this. I've just re-packaged UUCP, and
checked if it was possible to use /dev/ttyS* devices instead of cua for
calling out. It's not easy, I think. Some random facts first:

By default, the callin devices (ttyS) are owned by root.tty. This means the
dialout group cannot access ttyS*.

Another thing with UUCP is that uucico now has to be setgid dialout,
which also is a problem.

And if we only use ttyS*, getty needs to be aware of the lockfiles etc.
The only getty that works ok now is mgetty - standard getty doesn't work.

Now a solution would be:

1. Only supply getties that know about the correct locking procedure
2. getty sets the tty devices to owner uucp:dialout, mode 660
3. Login sets the tty device to owner logged_in_user:tty mode 660

And MAKEDEV would create the devices owned by uucp:tty mode 660

We also need a way to set the permissions on already installed systems
Perhaps a script in /etc/init.d or /etc/rc.boot that does it on
every bootup. Could be part of "setserial".
Should I start filing bugreports on the existing packages that do not
do this so we can start getting it fixed, or are there reasons not
to follow the above steps?

   Miquel van      | Cistron Internet Services   --    Alphen aan den Rijn.
   Smoorenburg,    | mailto:info@cistron.nl          http://www.cistron.nl/
miquels@cistron.nl | Our vision is to speed up time, eventually eliminating it.

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