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Re: Debian 1.2 breaks INN, UUCP

clameter@waterf.org (Christoph Lameter)  wrote on 20.12.96 in <[🔎] Pine.LNX.3.95.961220083148.6997A-100000@waterf.org>:

> CNews needs compress too. Can I install such a symlink when installing
> Cnews?

A symlink to what? We don't _have_ a compress. In fact, we never had one.  
And gzip is not an acceptable substitute; real compress doesn't understand  
gzip output - as *.westfalen.de found out the hard way.

We do have a compress-package. When I recently needed a real compress, I  
used that and an old CD - I didn't find compress sources in *even one* of  
the places mentioned in the compress-package, for some reason.

As to "bad karma", it's the old Unisys LZW patent - the same thing that  
broke GIFs. It seems Unisys actually cares aout licensing here. I have no  
idea at all if there's special licenses for free software, but even so,  
you'd probably need paper work. Unisys definitely isn't one of the "nice  
guys". Complain to Unisys' lawyers.

MfG Kai

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