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Re: Debian 1.2 breaks INN, UUCP

In article <[🔎] 199612201756.LAA09995@complete.org> you wrote:
: This was the thing that irked me -- that there was no warning that compress 
: was being deleted. 

I understand your point, but it's not obvious what should have been done
differently.  The newer 'gzip' package just doesn't include the link to 
compress, so that when dpkg installs it replacing the older version, the link
goes away.  I suppose it's conceivable that one of the preinst or postinst
scripts could have communicated that there was a change, but frankly, it just
didn't occur to me that anyone was using the 'compress' link without being
screwed...  yours does, indeed, seem like an unusual case.  And I'm not sure
that a general policy of notifying the user of every removed file would be a
good thing... there's a lot of spew during the upgrade process as it is.

: Hmmm, what you say makes sense, and they really are using normal "compress", 
: but yet it worked.  Something here is not correct, but I don't know what it
: is :-(

The only thing I can think of is that after installing a gzip .deb file that
included the compress link, that you somehow installed a real compress binary
in place of the link, so that you had a real working compress, and when the
gzip package was upgraded, it thought it owned that file and dpkg removed it.  

: Does gzip act as "compress" did when it is invoked as "compress"?

Nope.  It always generates "gzip" formatted output.  This is why having the
compress link in place was such a bad deal in general.  Gzip will happily
uncompress either format, but it only compresses to the non-patented format.


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