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Re: A Standard for Console Messages

> I was working on a draft for a standard for the console messages. The
> intension was to get a unique style for all messages displayed at system
> bootup and shutdown. I posted a new version just before 1.2 was released

Another idea, somewhat related: the startup messages should not only be
displayed, but also saved in some log file (and optionally mailed to
the system administrator).  It is handy to have a copy of the startup
messages if the system boots unattended - or simply if they scroll too
fast off the screen.  The big UN*X systems (HP-UX, SCO) can do this.

> a look and it seams that we only have to fix the start-stop-daemon script

Speaking of which - are there any chances to use the C replacement that
I wrote a few months ago?  It seems to work fine for me, is much faster,
and allows the system to start even if something bad ever happens to that
big perl binary...  (perl is nice for various system maintenance tasks,
but to be safe I'd rather not use it in critical startup scripts)


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