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errors in packaging packages

I find it somewhat ironic that 'hello', the example of how to package
a package has no man page.

Andreas' program to check packages for errors is a good one.
I realize he is simply currently going through the current packages,
but the right way to do this would be to have packages checked
before they get into the system.

This could be done a few ways:
- distribute the program so people can check their package themselves.
- have debmake use the script (debmake may do some checking already.
  I don't know). Doesn't help if debmake isn't used though.
- have any non-compliant packages get rejected. Must be a way to
  override rejections.
- accept all packages, but have them checked automatically and send
  the maintainer mail with any problems.

By minimizing the number of these simple, avoidable bugs we can
get rid of a lot of noise and let people get to work on other

- Sue

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