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Re: Please do not use Qt (fwd)

Erik B. Anderson wrote:
> I don't understand why everybody is getting their underware in a wad over
> Qt.  
  ... rest of mis-directed rant deleted ...

They aren't.  They are just laying down the law.  Qt's license does not
qualify as "free" by Debian standards.  You just have to live with that,
or convince Troll Tech to change their license.  So it does not belong
in the central distribution.

Also, packages derived from non-free packages also do not belong in the
central distribution.  There simply cannot be a mish-mash of packages
in the central distribution that require packages from outside of the
central distribution to be built.

So Qt, kde, qt-nethack and such can live in the non-free or contrib
distribution.  Nobody's hurt, and everybody knows where they stand.

Bruce is just recommending V because we want to encourage software
for the central distribution.  V is probably inferior to Qt at this
point in time.  But it doesn't have a restrictive license.

We may be a little bit hypocritical here though.  I noticed that we
have at several packages in the central distribution that is
staticly linked against Motif.  

fleming:~$ find /mirror/ -name "*motif*"

I hear that the GIMP (version 0.54) works with Lesstiff.

I'm very interested in this issue since I program in Java, and 
anything I write will be dependant on a proprietary package
also, for the time being.  The "free" Kaffe Java Virtual Machine
is available, but you must use Sun's Java classes with it.


So, I sympathise with the Qt situation.  But I don't think that
Debian should change it's rules.  (boo, hiss)


 - Jim

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