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Re: Xt xterm security hole

> What shared library problems pop up if we go with XFree 3.2 ?
> 	Bruce

I just switched to XFree 3.2 yesterday, and all my old X stuff (except
xanim which had an ancient dependancy) worked just fine.  However, all the
stuff which had been using the Xaw95 widget set now uses the new Xaw
supplied with XFree 3.2 due to the increment in the X library .so names. 
This can be easily corrected with a simple name change for Xaw95 and Xaw3D.
Nothing else breaks that I can see so far.

Erik B. Andersen        Web:    http://www.et.byu.edu/~andersee/ 
2485 South State St.    email:  andersee@et.byu.edu or andersee@debian.org
Springville, Ut 84663   phone:  (801) 489-1231
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