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Which Distribution? Stable, frozen, or unstable?

Three points about uploading packages which bear repeating:

Please get the distribution right when you upload your .changes files.
The only viable combinations of the main three are "unstable", "frozen
unstable", or "stable frozen unstable".  Anything else is most likely
a mistake.  (Only the first two of these get installed automatically.)

New packages will not go into stable.
New packages will not go into frozen.
New packages will go into unstable.
(The second of these is occasionally broken for exceptional packages.)

Some of you are pretty cavalier about putting your packages into
stable.  I've seen packages marked stable where the only change was a
spelling correction in a manpage.  I then have to send email to the
maintainer to see if the distribution was an error, wait for it to
come back, ad nauseum, slowing down the whole process.

It may be that urgent bugs are being fixed but you're not writing
anything in the changelog.  For a package to go into stable, I want to
see something along the lines of, "this version fixes the exploding
hard drive bug."


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