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Re: Galloping Featurism


> The attitude change I was talking about might be described this way:
> * from "what can we add?" to "what must we add?"
> * from "what feature is missing?" to "what bug needs to be fixed?"
> * from "what doesn't do what I want?" to "what is difficult to use?"

>From "what did the user want to set-up" to "what package did the user want
to install".

The Configure run should be completely separated from the unpacking in
dselect. All PAckages should try to ask at leastas possible. Even if the
PAckage is not "ready to start" after installation, its most of the time
better that way. If I install xntp fort the ntpdate client I dont want to
have the xntp run. If I install bind forr dig, I dont want to have named
run. If I install metamail I dont want to have answer dozent of questions
about placements of viewers in the mime.types file.... I think we should add
a policy for Packages to be configured manually later. Like the
"config<package>" scripts. Only a few essentiel PAckages should require the
user to configure it after unpacking.


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