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Re: sudo not suitable for multi-machine systems

On Fri, 22 Nov 1996, Dennis Clark wrote:

dennis >Umm, isn't this what the host specification in sudoers rules is for?
dennis >A sudoers rule only applies if the current host matches the rule's host
dennis >spec, which can be either a hostname, netgroup, ip address, network
dennis >number, network number/netmask, or host alias (which lets you have a
dennis >list of the above).  Thus you can have different access control
dennis >configurations for different machines on your network, all in the one
dennis >sudoers file.

I need to be able to expand the network by setting up a new machine. And I
dont want to do extensive configurations.

dennis >(I'll admit tho that it'd be nice if a program's suid-bits can be kept
dennis >on upgrades, for the installers who chose to use the suid method after
dennis >the initial package installation)

Look at my suidmanager proposal.

dennis >If package installers need to fight your package to have things work
dennis >the way they like, they're more likely to abandon the package system
dennis >and install from the original sources.  I know I would.

That is true and after all these trouble there is certainly the
consideration to abandon the support for certain packages in favor of
having our own local version.

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