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Re: V++ (a C++ GUI for X and Windows)

Dale Scheetz <dwarf@polaris.net> writes:

> The source comes in the file v-1.15.tar.gz, but I suspect the package
> should be named libv. Am I going to run into nameing problems with
> dpkg-buildpackage?

No, the one change you are supposed to make to the original source is
renaming the root directory to "<package>-<version>.orig".  But it's
ok for the source package to be called v and the binaries to be called
libv, libv-dev, etc.

> The make file builds the libraries with the name libV and I am pretty sure
> this is unacceptable.

Why?  I would recommend not changing the library name as then
Makefiles have to be different under Debian.  There aren't any other
libraries called `V', are there?  You should still use all lowercase
in the binary and source package names though.

I also took a look at it, and it looks really neat!  The url is
http://www.cs.unm.edu/~wampler/vgui/vgui.html if anybody else is


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