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Bug#5379: munchlist ignores -w

  Package: ispell
  Version: 3.1.18-11

The problem is demonstrated by this test.  The second time, munchlist
should not reject the word "AT&T".

/var/tmp# cat wordcheck
/var/tmp# munchlist -v -l /usr/local/lib/ispell/american.aff wordcheck > checkout; echo ---------; cat checkout
Collecting input.

Word 'AT&T' contains illegal characters
Finding flag marker.
Generating roots and affixes.
Expanding dictionary into EXPANDEDPAIRS.
Creating list of legal roots/flags.
Creating list of flags that participate in cross-products.
Finding prefix and suffix flags.
Creating awk script.
Eliminating non-optimal affixes.
Generating output word list.
/var/tmp# munchlist -w '&' -v -l /usr/local/lib/ispell/american.aff wordcheck > checkout; echo ---------; cat checkout
Collecting input.

Word 'AT&T' contains illegal characters
Finding flag marker.
Generating roots and affixes.
Expanding dictionary into EXPANDEDPAIRS.
Creating list of legal roots/flags.
Creating list of flags that participate in cross-products.
Finding prefix and suffix flags.
Creating awk script.
Eliminating non-optimal affixes.
Generating output word list.

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