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Re: PPPD 2.3 Beta 5 release or not?

On Fri, 8 Nov 1996, Larry 'Daffy' Daffner wrote:

vizzie >Please no!  If I wanted demand dial I would have installed diald or
vizzie >set up the kernel to do it already.  Possibly ask, but IMHO there's
vizzie >already enough questions asked when you update a lot of packages at
vizzie >once :).  How hard is it to set up this demand dial?  Maybe you could
vizzie >set it up so that it just requires changing a 0 to a 1 in a config
vizzie >file to set it up?  But certainly don't enable it by default.  That's
vizzie >not expected of pppd (as opposed to diald).

Well, I wonder if diald is needed anymore? Certainly diald has some more
advanced features but the new pppd provides the basics you need.

The setup just involves adding

demand idle 600 

to the pppd options.

If I preconfigure pppd for demand dial then this configuration would only
be reflected in /etc/ppp.options_out and thus be a default for new
installations. Updating would not change the current setup.

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