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Re: Install-*-menu policy

> 'joost witteveen wrote:'
> >
> >Therefore, I recently proposed on debian-devel to add two scripts
> >(install-menu and remove-menu) to a package that's marked "essential".
> Essential is wrong.  

Well, what I meant was: into an existing package (that happens
to be marked essential). The package I was thingking of is of cource

> xlib or xbase should depend on the package.  I

No! install-menu will not have anything to do with X. OK, at the
moment the only actually existing menu that uses install-menu is
fvwm2, but that should change (I'll write a VC-menu myself if nobody
else does it, that offers users ("newbies") a simple menu of
packages available for their system). This VC-menu will be in
one seperate package (like fvwm2 is too).

The menues can be used for inside X, but also for on the VC, and,
if anyone likes to implement this in the future, braille readers,
or any other kind of terminal.

That's what the "needs" argument in the install-menu is for:

install-menu X .....   -> this package needs X
install-menu VC ....   -> this package doens't, and only uses the VC.

For something like Gnuplot, I was thinking of running both versions,
with the X one supplying the command "xterm -e gnuplot".

> think that would be sufficient.  Or perhaps including them in xbase.
> The scripts are unnecessary unless/until X is installed.  Otherwise, I
> like your idea.

But, as the dpkg maintainer hasn't replied to my mail yet, I may
put the two scripts into a package that isn't marked at all
(like you suggest), and then make the packages that use install-menu
depend on that "menu" package.

I don't like them (the two very small scripts) to be in
a seperate package eventually. Yet another package will give
yet another conflicts screen to everyone who installs debian, and
I don't think all that hassle is worth it for just two scripts
that consists of 9 and 7 lines of bash code (if my memory doesn't fail).

joost witteveen
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