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Bug#5014: diald won't do what I want

It sure does! Diald is ultra-configurable. Perl's "there's more than one way"
definetely applies.

But I tend to leave the config script alone, and communicate with diald via
the FIFO option; see the manpage for details. Alternatively, you can use

I enclose a script "dial" which you can use in crontab as 

	dial force; mirror <whatever>; dial unforce

and which the diald maintainer might want to add. My /etc/diald.options has 

	fifo /etc/diald/diald.fifo      

and I created a fifo of that name in the said directory.

So here's the script. One fringe benefit of it is that pppd can stay
root-only because dial and diald provide nicely configurable user-level

# dial --- communicate via fifo `/etc/diald.fifo' with the diald daemon
# edd	12 Jul 96
# edd	18 Oct 96	moved the fifo to /etc/diald/diald.fifo

if [ $# -ne 1 ] 
    echo "Usage: dial <command>"
    exit 1

case "$1" in
	echo $1 >> $dialdfifo
	echo "Unknown (or unsupported) command: $1"
	exit 1

exit 0

Dirk Eddelb"uttel                             http://qed.econ.queensu.ca/~edd

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