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Re: Upcoming Debian Releasesu

> > Tool to unselect localization messages for not used languages on the
> > particular system.
> I don't understand what you mean by this.

The /usr/share/locale/../LC_MESSAGES subdirs will become bigger and
bigger the more packages get localized messages.  Personally I don't
need french, german, japanese and all that but I do like to have the
dutch (nl) messages.  When some kind of set on/off program is created
this might remove the unwanted languages from the system, in this way
not consuming diskspace for files which are surely never used.

/usr/share/locale$ ls
cn	      en_UK	    fr_FR	  ja_JP.EUC	no_NO
da	      en_US	    fr_LU	  kl		pl
da_DK	      es	    gr		  kl_GL		pl_PL
de	      es_ES	    gr_GR	  ko		pt
de_AT	      et	    hr		  locale.alias	pt_PT
de_BE	      et_EE	    hr_HR	  lt		ro
de_CH	      fi	    hu		  lt_LT		ro_RO
de_DE	      fi_FI	    hu_HU	  lv		ru
de_LU	      fo	    is		  lv_LV		ru_RU
en	      fo_FO	    is_IS	  nl		sl
en_CA	      fr	    it		  nl_BE		sl_SI
en_DK	      fr_BE	    it_IT	  nl_NL		sv
en_GB	      fr_CA	    iw		  no		sv_FI
en_IE	      fr_CH	    iw_IL	  no@nynorsk	sv_SE

> > Distribution (the entire distribution) via floppy disk.  This requires
> > packages to be split up into smaller chunks if a package is bigger
> > than 460k.  Suggested floppy disk distribution sizes: 1.2M 1.4M 1.8M
> > 2.8M 20M.
> This has been a sticky point for some time, now.  I'm reluctant to add it
> to the list when the general consensus seems to be "could be useful, but
> not necessary and not a priority".

I would like to see such a thing exist.  dpkg (and dselect) are
prepared for it perfectly well.  The only thing is that the add ons
like `dpkg-ftp' and `dftp' aren't prepared to support this (As far as
I know).  The moment this is done it will be fairly trivial to split
up the packages in appropriate chunks and provide a floppy

I think it is very usefull.  A special use of these splitted packages
might be the creation of disks for different installation targets:
router-only, firewall-only, local-data-base-engine, emacs-only-server,
newbie-set, x-less-emacs-less-system etc etc.  Others might come up
with far more relevant system configurations which would be useful to
have on a small pile of disks particularly for repairing net


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