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Re: My installation story

Juergen Menden <menden@informatik.tu-muenchen.de> wrote:
>sorry for the late answer, i was in some hurry... :-)

hey, I know the feeling well. These days, it seems I only look at any given
email message for about 30 seconds, then move on to the next... ;-)

[about having a CD as root and base.tar.gz somewhere on it for installation]
>i don't think this is hackish. this is beautiful, as it is simple
>and works like a charm :-)

The main problem I had with it was that it would mean the CD-ROM would
have directories, such as /bin, /lib, /etc, and so on, that would have
no other purpose. After reflecting a bit, I'm inclined to agree with
Juergen :-). This poses an interesting question: is there any way, other
than rebooting, of changing the root device on-the-fly? ie, after the
base system is installed, it would be nice to be able to remount root
as the freshly-installed system, and keep going with that.

Otherwise, it would be nice if dpkg can install to a false root -
eg, /target (as happens whilst installing the base system) - without
having to chroot(). (I don't think it'd be possible to install from
the CD - which is the root directory in this scheme, remember - in a
chroot()ed environment.) As I said sometime ago, I'd love to work on
this kind of scheme, but haven't got the time right now. December,
probably. (subject to whether or not CSIRO want me to trundle up to
Sydney, that is, on a job I'm hoping to get, but which is still up
in the air. :-( )

>> >- after pressing 'i' the dependencies are checked. problems with
>> >  the dependencies are shown by the resolve-screen, just as 
>> >  nowadays, but without the help screen.
>> I disagree. Dependancies (IMO) should not be checked until the user has
>> said, "Ok, I'm done." 
>this is what i mean with "after pressing 'i'" 

Fair enough. (Gotta love the English language with all its ambiguities... :)

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